Goodbye September, Hello October
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I'm not sure if I am the only one that feels this way, but personally it feels as if September has dragged by! I realise just how long we've been Septembering it up for when I think about the fact that I was still on holiday and at home right up until about the first week of September and that honestly feels like an age ago.
Other than taking it's sweet time, September was a really good month for me on all different levels. I hit a bit of a wobble and started feeling very overwhelmed with this whole "adult life" that I'm expected to be living, but thankfully I seem to have gotten over myself now!
Here's a bit more about what September had in store for me...
I said goodbye to my family and special friends and got ready to tackle my very last term of first year (they grow up so quickly, don't they?).
I performed my heart out again and again only to hear the words "You're just not good enough guys, you're a strong group and I'm expecting so much more from you." It's not all bad though - yesterday we had the tutor in tears with the work we'd produced. My two practical exams are next week Thursday and Friday and I'm feeling quite frankly, good enough.
I celebrated SO many birthdays with SO many family and friends. I'm not even kidding you, I have never known a month to be so jam-packed with birthdays! I guess standing under mistletoe during the Christmas season has an outcome or two... or in this case, 2389565.
I had a lovely weekend away in Port Elizabeth with two special friends. I ate good food, I laughed constantly, I relaxed and I realised how blessed I am to be surrounded by people who make me smile.
Sadly, I also had to make the tough, tough decision on whether to fly home this weekend for my aunt and uncle's wedding or not. I chose not to, and as much as it breaks my heart that I won't be able to be with them on their special day, I literally cannot be away from Grahamstown this weekend. I have two exams next week and there are too many people relying on me to be here and not at home. That's another thing that I'm not really enjoying about this whole being a grown up thing - having to make important decisions and sacrifices. On one hand I have my heart telling me to go home and be a part of the wedding and on the other hand I have my head (as well as a huge group of drama students) telling me that this is my degree. This determines my future and this needs to come first. Yes, it's just a couple of exams. But me going home this weekend is going to let my entire class down. I cannot disadvantage these people that have worked so hard for so long.
And with that being September, I am so excited for October. I am excited to prepare for my end of year exams. I am eager to be getting closer and closer to the end of the beginning and I am so excited to be able to be going home at the end of the month and to hopefully meet my new little cousin (depending on whether he takes his due date seriously or not). What are you looking forward to this month?
Here are my monthly lists of random October Facts as well as my most popular and least read posts of September:
Most Popular:
Least Popular:
October Facts:
- October ends on the same day of the week as February every year.
- October's birthstone is the opal.
- October is international cookie month.
- On the first of October in 1974, the very first McDonalds in Britain opened up in London.
- Winnie the Pooh was first published in October 1926.
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