Just Write

April 22, 2014
Lately I've felt this incessant need to write. To write to myself, to God, to absolutely no one in particular. I have so much that needs to find its way from my head - from my heart - to paper, or in this case, to blog post. The thing is, once I start, I struggle to stop. I have always needed to write. I find it more rewarding to write down my prayers as opposed to saying them. I love nothing more than to receive and send letters. I have dozens upon dozens of letters and poems that I have written to myself, to God, to various people - people who will never receive the words I've addressed to them.

I find writing therapeutic and soothing, but not always easy. You see, writing causes me to confront my feelings and thoughts. I cannot simply write at surface level, if that makes sense? It makes sense to me. Once I begin, I find myself confronting everything that needs to be said. Sometimes most times it gets difficult. I don't always enjoy having to sort through my thoughts. Writing has taught me that more often than not, the healing is in the aching that the writing allows.

It's a beautiful thing to me - putting pen to paper. Did this post have a point? Not exactly, no. Was it necessary? Probably not. I just had to get it down. As always, thank you for listening to my thoughts, as undirected and as stray as they may be.

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