The Best Fake Birthday Ever

March 31, 2014
This weekend was my last weekend in Grahamstown before I head home for the Easter holiday (can't wait!!) and it was definitely one to remember. On Thursday I wrote this post in which I explained that my friends were celebrating my birthday (which is actually on the 3rd of January) on Friday because they weren't able to celebrate with me on my actual birthday.

Together they planned a sunset picnic at one of the most beautiful places in Grahamstown - the Monument. The Monument is one of the highest points in Grahamstown and it over looks the entire city. Some of the most beautiful sunsets that I have ever seen have been witnessed while at the Monument. It's a really stunning place and I couldn't have picked a more perfect place to celebrate turning 20 for the second time. 

I was instructed to be dressed and ready by 17:45pm. At 18:00pm Emma and Stacey's boyfriend Brendan picked me up from Res and drove me up to the Monument. I was given an Alice band to wear which had the cutest flashing bow on it and as we arrived I saw all my friends jumping up and down with millions of balloons and waving their hands up and down in excitement. I hopped out of the car and was greeted by all these smiling faces as well as two beautifully laid out blankets. On the blankets were millions of tiny little gold stars that had been scattered around, yellow plates, yellow cups and yellow balloons (any guesses as to what my favourite colour may be?) as well as some delicious sweets, chips, dips, cold drinks etc etc.

I just felt so loved and treasured by these special people. Some of them had rearranged work shifts to be there while others had trekked across the whole of campus and declined other events to be there with me. The whole thing just makes my heart swell. We munched on some food while chatting and laughing away with me giving out an excited "YOU GUYS!" every 5 minutes. As the sun set we opened our bottles of wine and happily watched as the sky grew darker and the lights of Grahamstown began to come alive. 

Each person then lit a yellow birthday candle for me and I had to go around to each person and blow out my candle and make a wish. Later on in the evening a whole lot of Chinese floating lanterns were brought out and set off into the sky - on these lanterns were birthday messages and wishes written by everyone for me. It was so, so special. We then enjoyed some fireworks that were being set off by some delightful strangers before heading off into town to party the night away.

I cannot thank my wonderful friends enough for showing me such love. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This girl is one lucky lady to have all of you in her life! I really am so blessed.


  1. Oh wow that is just the loveliest thing!!!!! So glad you loved it and well done to your friends!

    1. Isn't it sweet? :) They're definitely keepers x


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