The Name Game

11 years ago
So here's a question we've all been asked before; what are you passionate about? My answer is always the same - family, children, babies, pregnancy, infertility issues, well you get the picture... I have said it a million times before and I will say it a million more - I was put on this earth to be a mom. If I had stuck it out in Biology in High School instead of being so obsessed with being on the stage I would probably be doing something along the lines of midwifery, there's no doubt about it.

I think part of me being so interested in pregnancy and children has to do with having siblings that are quite a lot younger than me. I have been able to be involved in the pregnancies and I have been blessed enough to witness these little people grow into busy pre-schoolers. Especially regarding Clauds' pregnancy - her journey to welcoming Liam into the world was a long and difficult one, yet so extremely interesting and inspiring. Another contributor to this whole thing is my rocky relationship with my own biological mother. I want a chance to be the best mother that I can be. She's inspired me in terms of raising a family to the best of my ability and to be the kind of mother than my future children deserve, and I thank her for that.

Another thing that I am passionate about and so interested in that has stemmed of off my love for pregnancies/babies is names. I have always been fascinated in names. I love hearing them and learning the meaning behind them. I truly believe you become your name in one way or another. My first name means "little wise one" and I have always been wise beyond my years according to those that know me.

Yesterday my amazing Aunt and Uncle welcomed their first beautiful baby into the world - a little boy! I couldn't be happier to have another first cousin and I can't wait to get home to meet him. So far, this little guy hasn't been named yet and I can completely understand how they don't want to rush into any names - it's a massive decision! 

This got me thinking about the names that I love as well as what goes into choosing a name. And so over the next few days I am going to be sharing a bit about how to chose the perfect name for your little one, my favourite boys and girls names as well as my answers to a couple of name tags that have been doing the rounds on YouTube. Of course, I shall be sharing Little Cousin's name as soon as it is revealed ;)

I would also love to hear a bit from you - do you like your own name? What are some of the names that you love and if you have children, how did you go about choosing their names?


  1. Choosing baby names is a difficult task, and one which your child will live with for the rest of his or her life. Unlike pets, which you can keep for some time without naming, the pressure is usually on to name a child as soon as he or she emerges into the world. Most parents select baby names ahead of time, or make a list of names they think they would like to use, which me and my ex did when my daughter Zoe arrived!

    There a number of things to take into consideration when choosing baby names including gender identity, future life choices, cultural issues, popular names at the time, and ways to honor or pay tribute to relatives. Luckily, a large number of lists of baby names can be found on and off the Internet, along with meanings, which helped us with choosing my daughters name Zoe :)

    1. I completely agree that it is one massive task - I'm just so grateful that I don't have to make this decision for a good few years ;)

  2. We have a list of names already planned out for our precious babes, but after someone stole one of our girls names we have decided not to share them with anyone just to be safe! (They are awesome names!) I place a lot of emphasis on meanings of names too, and try and imagine how that name will fit a baby, toddler, teen and adult later on in life.

    My name means "The rainbow in life's storm" and I LOVE it! It has taken me a good few years to get to this point though, but most people love that it is so unusual and once they have met me agree that the meaning is totally appropriate!

    Oh and regarding the midwife/drama thing - it is so uncanny that I am exactly the same!! Was on stage all through school, and started studying it at varsity before turning to emergency medicine! My friends joked that I was a singing dancing paramedic!!!
    PS - delivering a baby is one of THE most amazing experiences you will ever get to share with a family, I loved every single one of the almost close to 100 I have had the honour of delivering!

    1. I adore the meaning of your name - how beautiful! While I love my first name I'm not too keen on my second one.

      I am so jealous over the fact that you've delivered almost 100 babies... That is so crazy. I can just imagine what an honor it must be.

      I definitely think you should pop out some kiddos pretty soon so that I can get to see their sweet faces on your blog and know their names ;) x

    2. Hahaha hopefully soon!


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