Smiling on a Saturday
Sometimes it's important to take a breath and appreciate the little things that make you happy and that are causing you to smile. Here are just two reasons why I'm smiling today...
Number one - I am officially a registered voter. This morning I went off and filled in my form and got the cool little sticker in my ID book and everything. I'm excited to place my "X" on that piece of paper next year. I texted my Dad saying "Whoo hoo! Just registered to vote - does this mean I'm a super cool adult now?!"... He hasn't replied yet so I'm just letting myself believe that yes, this does mean that I'm a super cool adult now. Who needs Pa's confirmation anyway huh? ;)
And lastly, number two - this photo...

South Africa has finally jumped onto the bandwagon regarding this whole "Share a coke with" campaign and while I think it's really cool, I've yet to have found a "Shannon" coke. Walking around our Pick 'n Pay this morning I decided to go and see if there was a coke with my name on it. Nope. But apparently Jan really, really wants someone to share a coke with him. Last week when I was at home Clauds and I took Liam to the doctor for a check up and then popped into the mall really quickly. As we were loading up the car to go home Clauds turns to me with two cokes in her hands and says "I grabbed these at Dischem for us for the way home, I just grabbed and didn't bother looking so who do you want to be, Samu or Phindile?" You've gotta love good ol' South Africa!
I hope you're finding reasons to make you smile today - enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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