Oh! Hey there! Remember me? I'm the girl behind this bloggy blog that may or may not have disappeared off the face of the blogosphere for the last week or so. That could have a little something to do with the fact that I had two of the most important prac exams of my Drama year here at Rhodes this week.
They went really well. And by really well I mean I didn't completely embarrass myself or have one of my fellow Drama students
slide down my body and take my pants down with him - true story. Lets just say June's pracs went swimmingly... Here are a couple of snaps from last night's piece. We did a piece on the lives of domestic workers.
Me and my moppy mop. I named her Lauren. She was lovely. |
Hanging out backstage trying to keep the nerves at bay. |
The only male in our group - Sfu. I think my bra did a pretty good job on him too, thanks for noticing. |
Our group. Such special friendships were formed between us over the last couple of months of rehearsal. I'm so blessed. |
Jokes aside, it felt really good to be on stage again. I've missed it. However, I know that I'm making the right choice in not carrying on with Drama next year. Any suggestions as to what my new second major could be? No? Are we all past that stage of our lives and I'm the only poor sap still slaving away in Uni? Ok then... Moving swiftly along...
How are you humans spending tomorrow night? I'm so excited for my Saturday night as it is our Residence Ball and I can't wait to get all dolled up and hop into a pretty dress. You can trust that photos will follow.
Now that I am no longer living in the Drama department and having to endure approximately 10 hours of rehearsal during the week I am eager to jump right back into this little space of mine. I've missed just writing for the sake of writing - I think that may be why this post is a little bit rambly and not really going anywhere. I apologize.
Have you heard
this song? I know none of you click on these YouTube links but I'll put it up anyway. When I close my eyes and get the image of the infamous foam finger jig out of my head, I really enjoy this old girl... Give it a listen if you're into it, but if you keep on scrolling that's just peachy too. Whatevs. No judgement here.
Lyrics to the above mentioned song. It's a goodie! Source. |
I must tell you about my friends. Bless them. They all tumbled out of Res last night and sat through almost 3 hours of prac exam pieces just to watch me perform my 8 minutes. I was second to last out of about 18 groups. Thanks friends. You're too sweet. Special mention to my Em who just about hasn't missed a single one of my performances since 2008.
I really should have put all those Drama-related paragraphs into one, meaty one, shouldn't I? Oh well.
I hope you're having a lovely, lovely Saturday. If not, tear open a box of Smarties. They always fix anything.
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