Friday's Letters

September 20, 2013
Dear Week... my word am I glad to be able to say goodbye to you! I don't think I have been this overwhelmed and this exhausted in a long, long time. Good news is - I'm starting to feel a bit better and less flustered as each day passes.

Dear Room... You and I have a date tonight oh little one. Tonight I plan to clean and organize you like you've never been organized before. Bookshelf, you will be rearranged. Notes, you will be filed properly. Pinboard, please prepare for a complete makeover. Wardrobe, you are going to have to say good bye to a good number of clothes that I haven't worn for the last couple of months (out with the old in order to make room for the new). Floor, the vacuum is going to take full advantage of you and lastly, my darling Bed, it's going to be so great to put some fresh sheets on you. I don't know what it is but if my bedroom is organized and in order, I feel as if my whole life is in order - odd, I know...

Dear Jesus... Lord, today all I ask of you is to soften this Drama tutor's heart towards our group and to inspire our group so that we can finally start feeling as if we're not pathetic.

Dear Liam... Oh baby boy, just look at how cute you are in these photos taken by Tracey Potgieter. You melt my heart Snuggle Puff.
Dear Readers... Liam has been entered into a baby competition and so if you're feeling friendly and you have 2 minutes, won't you pop over here and give this sweet brother of mine a vote or two?

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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