10 Things I Will Never Grow Out Of - #2

Earlier last week I mentioned that I would be sharing 10 things that I will never quite grow out of. If you missed my #1, you can read it over here.

The second thing on my list of things that I'll never grow out of is...

Having tea parties. I am the oldest of 5 siblings but growing up I was only surrounded by 2 - my sister, Bridgitt who is 3 years younger than me and my brother, Nicholas who is 5 years younger than me. The other 3 siblings came along a few years later when my parents divorced and both remarried. My mom and step-dad share a daughter and son who are 12 and 15 years younger than me. 8 months ago my step-mom and dad brought the sweetest little boy into the world. So as you can see, I was always surrounded by my very own playmates who never had to leave and go home to their own house at the end of the day. This meant that we spent the vast majority of our time playing and inventing games together.
 My favorite game to play was Tea Time. We had a beautiful Wendy House at the bottom of our very large garden and Bridgitt and I would spend many of our afternoons in this Wendy House with our miniature tea set. We would speak to each other in these funny little accents and we would chat and pour fake tea for hours. Every now and again we would force Nic to have tea with us, but he couldn't quite understand why there was water in the tea pot and not actual tea. Later on in my childhood Nic got a bit older and a little more difficult to force and Bridgitt got less interested in having tea with me, so it was just me and the odd teddy bear or two.

My love for tea parties has not faded. One of my favorite things to do here in Grahamstown is to visit the quirky little cafes with friends for an afternoon of Red Velvet or chocolate cake and tea. I am forever popping into my friends' rooms where they have the kettle already boiling as I walk in. We sit down and chat away over a steaming cup or two and this is where I am happiest. I cannot wait until I am older and I own my own home where I am free to throw as many tea parties as my heart desires. I will spend my days baking all sorts of yummies, I will pick fresh roses and place them in pretty vases, I will lay a beautiful table and I will invite my special friends over for a pot of tea and a catch up.
Note: All images were sourced from my Pinterest Boards.

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