The Leibster Award Nomination

Hello lovely readers!

I have some exciting news to share with you. This morning I woke up early to get some last minute cramming done for my Sociology exam. I wasn't in a particularly good mood - I was just expecting another average day.

My mood changed when I logged onto my little blog to find that Mae from Red Picket Fences had nominated me for the Leibster Award. The Leibster Award is an award that is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. Translated from German, it basically means "favorite blog award." When Mae had told me I'd been nominated I was so excited as well as extremely surprised - so thank you so much, Mae, for the nomination as well as taking an interest in what is posted on this little blog of mine.
Once you have been nominated for this award, there are a few rules that you have to follow:
  •  You're required to answer 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you has set.
  • You then need to state 11 random facts about yourself.
  • You then need to mention other bloggers/blogs that inspire you or that you enjoy reading and nominate them.
  • Once you have nominated other bloggers, you then need to set your own 11 questions for them.
  • Once you have been nominated, thank the person that nominated you and post a link back to their blog if you feel so inclined.
 Mae's Questions For Me:

What is your favorite book? This is a really tough one to answer. I have always loved reading, although as I  get older and busier, I have less and less time to sit down and get lost in a really good book. If I had to choose, I would probably pick two, just because they are a series, and I would say Karen Kingsbury's Even Now and Ever After. They're really lovely reads and if you're anything like me and you're a hopeless romantic I'm fairly certain you'll find yourself enjoying these novels.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure? Honestly, I would probably have to say that my guilty pleasure would be to have a pajama day where all I do is lie in bed and Pinterest my little heart away! I love being lazy - I'd live in flannel pajama pants if it were socially acceptable!

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Wow, how do I choose just one?! If I had to have a superpower, it would be a really awesome superpower that allowed me to have any superpower I wanted. I'm not too sure if I'd like to be able to read minds though - I'm not sure if I could handle all that comes with that.

What is your dream vacation? My dream vacation would be to be able to travel Europe. This is one of my biggest dreams. I'd go everywhere; London, Paris, Italy, Ireland, Amsterdam, Switzerland, everywhere... Oh it gets my heart racing just thinking about it! I'd also really love to travel to the States - I reeeeally want to walk the streets of NYC - as well as Bali and the Maldives. But Europe first, definitely Europe!

What is your proudest moment? I remember a time where many, many people were very proud of me - when I was voted as a prefect for my Matric year. However, this is not my proudest moment. My proudest moment was my Matric Final Drama Practical. I had worked really hard on my piece, but it was not that particular piece that I was most proud of. It was the fact that my parents were there to support me, it was the fact that possibly the BEST teacher a girl could ever ask for was there, guiding and supporting me, the girls who I was so close to were performing with me and it was an accumulation of 3 years of work all boiling down to this moment - the last time I would perform on that stage that had become home to me. I love to act - it's where I feel safest, and to see tears streaming down my step mom's face made me feel so, so proud of what I had accomplished.

If there was a book written about your life, what would the title be? Madness In Her Method - The Life of Shannon Leahy.

What would your theme song be? Another tough one... As of now, probably this one (it has to be THIS one, just because I adore this particular cover SO much!)

Finish this sentence: "If I wasn't afraid, I ... would probably be awkwardley avoiding the boy on campus that I've been crushing on for the last 2 months because I would have told him how I feel about him.

What is your biggest pet peeve? When people are generally untidy and a lack of good table manners.

What is your favorite food? Absolutely anything to do with Oreos!

If you could travel to any time period in history, what and where would you go? I would love to go the 1950's, simply because I love the whole idea of baking a pie for my husband while he's at work (she says as she prepares for all the comments about feminism).

11 Facts About Me:
  1.  I don't like my middle name at all. I feel bad about this as it was my late grandmother's name that was given to me. She passed away when my Mom was 10 and so I obviously never got to meet her. While it is very special that I get to carry her name, I just wish I liked it a little more. I have certain friends who are completely aware of this and take it upon themselves to let the whole world know what my middle name is.
  2. I have a horrible sense of direction.
  3. I eat my pudding first. Not because of that movie (was it Remember Me?) that states you should simply because life is too short to do otherwise, but because I really enjoy the taste of proper main course meals and so I leave the best for last.
  4. I love Jesus with all my heart. I try my best to live a life that is pleasing in His eyes, but I fail Him all the time. Luckily He's one forgiving guy and He's not concerned with my mistakes.
  5. I'm not a dog person at all. In fact, just the thought of dogs puts me in a bad mood, (sorry to all my dog-loving readers out there!)
  6. I'm left handed.
  7. I have an insanely good memory. I can remember things from my childhood that happened when I was about a year old.
  8. I love to read the credits at the end of a movie. I read through them trying to find my family members' names. Wow that sounds so strange now that I've typed that.
  9. I will forever hold a grudge against my sister due to the fact that when we were little and we would play House, she always made me be the Dad. She always got to play the role of the Mom. All I ever wanted was to be able to be the Mom, even just once. I now realize I should have used my authority as the big sister and force her to be the Dad, but I never did and as a result, I feel as though I have missed out on part of my childhood.
  10. I'm afraid of frogs.
  11. I love sleeping with socks on.
Blogs that I nominate for the Leibster Award:
I understand that I am required to nominate blogs with a following of less than 200, but I am a rule breaker and so here I go, breaking the rules again... Regardless of how big/small their following is, I nominate the following blogs for the Leibster Award because the lovely ladies behind these blogs have each inspired me in their very own special way. You should definitely pop over to their beautiful blogs, they all have so much to offer! And so in no particular order, I nominate the following three blogs:
  1. Caley from Ellie Love.
    Click Here To Visit Ellie Love
  2. Nicole  from Bloom.
    Click Here To Visit Bloom
  3. Cassie from Sage.
    Click Here To Visit Sage
My 11 Questions For These Lovely Ladies Are: 
  1. What is something you're afraid of?
  2. What makes you smile?
  3. What is your favorite smell?
  4. If money was no object, what would you do tomorrow?
  5. What one thing would you change if you had to do it over?
  6. If you could change your name, would you? Why? Why not? What would you change it to?
  7.  What is the habit you are proudest of breaking or want to break?
  8. Chocolate or Vanilla?
  9. What is your favorite breakfast food?
  10.  If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be?
  11. What made you smile today? 
Wow! What a long post - snaps to those of you who made it to the end! I hope you're all having a really great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading all your answers! I'm left handed too. :) thanks for tagging me, girl! I'll have to answer these questions sometime soon!


Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your sweet words, questions and comments. I reply to your comment directly on this post, so make sure to check back here xx

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