Friday's Letters

June 07, 2013
Dear Dad, Clauds and Liam... I hope you've had a lovely week away. Dad, you work so hard to provide for us and I appreciate you so much. You deserve a little time away from the hustle and bustle. I hope you enjoyed every minute!

Dear Exams... 4 down, 2 to go. You really haven't been that bad at all (touch wood the next two are alright!). I can't wait for you to be over and done with so that I can go home and enjoy a lovely long holiday at home.

Dear Jesus... I want to thank You for knowing the words I'm trying to say, even when I don't! Thank You for comforting me this week when I so needed it, but most of all, thanks for giving me a bit of a reality check and helping me realize that I need to create my own happiness - I cannot rely on people to do it for me.

Dear Thursday Night... You were so lovely! I loved being able to spend a night out with one of my best friends. Getting out of Res for a bit was necessary and wonderful.

Dear Spur Waitress... I know the tip we gave you wasn't much, but we are on a student budget. You didn't have to be so blatantly rude and refuse it the way you did.

Dear Home... Only 13 more days until I return after 11 weeks of being away. You better get excited ;)

Dear Robs... Thank you for our Skype date on Wednesday. It was really great to catch up and just be real with you. I've missed you my friend.


  1. When I pray- I often say something similar..."You know what I mean, Lord..." :) SO thankful He understand my gibberish thoughts, always!

    Manda from Eat Cake


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