So What Wednesdays

This Wednesday I am saying "So What?!" to the following:
  • So what if I now wake up at 11 am - it's exam time, I've been stressed and I now have a whole week free to sleep in.
  • So what if I spent more money on toiletries I don't necessarily need. I think I may have an obsession with body products :(
  • So what if my face decides now is a good time to have a break out party?
  • So what if lately, my idea of a productive day is getting up before noon and putting a pair of pants on. These next few days are really the only days left of the semester - I am free for the next week and have no plans or obligations.
  • So what if I'm counting down the sleeps like a little girl until I am on a plane home.
  • So what if I'm really not missing my room-mate at all? These last couple of weeks without her have been utter bliss (sorry room-mate, you are rather lovely, but I love my own space more!)
  • So what if I sobbed like a wounded child while watching Safe Haven?
  • So what if I'm a brunette with hair 3/4 of the way down my back and I really, really want Julianne Hough's hair from Safe Haven?
  • So what if I have a slight obsession with Safe Haven right now?
What are some of the things you're saying "so what?" to this week? Link up with Shannon (what a great name ;)) from Life After I Dew and see what others are saying "so what" to.


  1. OMG, I love that hair cut!! Stopping by from SWW link to say hello.

  2. I also bawled like a baby when I watched Safe Haven! Julianne Hough was really really pretty in that movie!


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