These Things I Believe

June 08, 2013
I believe... that while it is so incredibly difficult to do at times, forgiveness is necessary. 
I believe... that people are capable of changing.
I believe... in second, and maybe third chances for everyone. No body is perfect.
I believe... that good things come to those who wait.
I believe... that God has a plan for everything. I believe He is in complete control and all that is required from us is a leap of faith and a heart full of trust.
I believe... that if you cut up your Wine Gums into tiny little bits before eating them, they truly do taste better.
I believe... I need to learn to listen more and talk less.
I believe... that in order to truly love another, you first need to learn to love yourself.
I believe... that the best cure to a broken heart is time. Not ice cream. Not a rebound. Not a self-help book and plenty of pills. Just time.
I believe... that one day I will be blessed enough to have my dreams come true and travel the world.
I believe... that waking up an hour early and just sitting in your bed with a cup of coffee and some music, collecting your thoughts before your day begins and chatting to Jesus is the best way to start your day.
I believe... that if you managed to make one person smile in a day, then that's a good day!
I believe... that eating meals around a table as a family is one of the best things this world has to offer.
I believe... that in physical touch as an important way of showing affection to those you love. Hugs are too lovely for words.
I believe... a man needs to love Jesus before he can truly love a woman.
I hope you all have a blessed weekend and hold true to those things that you believe in!


  1. Do you truly believe that the cure to a broken heart is time and time alone ? , or is that just something you tell yourself in order to get yourself through the pain ?

    1. It's definitely not "just something I tell myself in order to get through the pain", from experience I can say that I really do believe the cure to a broken heart is time. Time allows healing to occur, and while other contributors might help you heal, I stand by what I said.


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