St Paddy's 2015 |
Oh St Patrick's Day. Do you celebrate St Paddy's? Well my family's heritage is about as Irish as it gets, but I've only ever celebrated this day in my last three years of being at Rhodes. If you know anything about Rhodents you'll know that we don't need a reason to dress up and go completely WILD!
The last two St Paddy's have been amazing. In 2013 Grahamstown ran out of water the day of St Paddy's and 90% of the students remained green a lot longer than was probably healthy to do so. In fact I remember flying home a week and a bit after St Paddy's only to see one of the guys from my Res hall on the same flight as me - he was still green. I don't remember much of last year's celebrations (no, not because I had one too many Leprechaun juices!) but I do remember signing my heart out to Irish folk songs and then doing a BP run at 3am only to find the fact that I was eating a "shamrock" pie very,
very hilarious. We also made friends with some random boy who kindly gave about 8 of us a lift up back onto campus on the back of his little Bantam bakkie. Maybe I did actually have one too many Leprechaun juices. Oh well.
St Paddy's 2014 - featuring an infamous Friars jug. |
St Paddy's 2013 |
St Paddy's 2014 - we weren't even sure who that boy with the hat was. |
I've really been trying to make the most of every day this year, simply because this is my last year at Rhodes. I want to have the memories and I want to be able to look back on my three years here with a happy heart. I'm going to miss this place and I'm going to miss these girls even more when I leave. With all that being said, I just wasn't in the moody for a raucous St Paddy's this year. I haven't really been in the mood for anything remotely raucous lately, actually. I think its just the fact that I'm in Third Year and I've done my fair share of partying. Now I'm just feeling old and tired and would much rather have dinner and a movie night with the girls, haha. This year's St Paddy's also fell on a Tuesday and considering the fact that lectures keep me on campus from 8:30am-5:30pm on a Wednesday, I wasn't keen on this particular school night jol.
I think a lot of us were feeling this way but knowing this was our last one, we still dressed up and went out and overall we had fun. Emma and I were home and in bed by 10:30pm though! I'm pretty sure that's a new record. All in all, this year's St Paddy's doesn't go down as THE BEST ONE EVERRR but I'm glad we still made sure to celebrate it.
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