My Favourite Photograph

11 years ago
Today's one of those days where the only thing that I'm asking of the world is to be snuggled up in my bed with a mug of tea and a really good book. I was up late last night finishing a massive assignment and when I eventually hopped into bed I fell straight asleep - I was exhausted.

This week has been so busy already and I fail to understand how it is only Tuesday! I awoke early this morning as I had an early driving lesson. The weather outside was awful; it was so windy and it couldn't quite decide if it wanted to rain consistently or not and oh my goodness what a struggle it was to get out of bed! I turned my bed side lamp on in the hope that the obnoxious bright light shining in my face would force me to get up - I did that whole ugly stretch/squint thing. You should have seen me, it really was beautiful. Good luck to the poor man that has to spend the rest of his life waking up to a babe like me one day! But I did it! I got out of bed and I participated in real life and all I'm saying is thank goodness tomorrow is another public holiday (by the way, how many public holidays have we had in the last three weeks?! I think it's something ridiculous like 7, not that I'm complaining).

So back to the point - was there ever one? - today's Blog Everyday In May prompt is "a favourite photo of yourself". I remember that this prompt featured in last year's challenge as well and because I'm super sentimental and boring, I'm doing the same photo because quite honestly, this photo will always be one of my favourite in the whole world.

This photo will forever be one of my favorites - no matter how old I get. It was taken while we were on holiday at our family holiday spot about 14 years ago. We've been going to this specific holiday spot for my entire life, in fact, my Dad has been going since he was about my age - I love that we've done this, I love that we grew up going there and now we get to return and watch Liam do what we did when we were his age.

I love this photo because it shows our personalities so well! My Dad; standing in the background looking over at us with a smile on his face. This is how my Dad has always been - proud and loving while keeping an eye on us fondly. So many of my childhood memories involve him standing in front of a braai and smiling over at us. There's a million emotions felt throughout my life that this photograph has captured. It takes me to a place where I feel loved and whole.

I love that the three of us siblings look so happy and content in this photo. My little brother Nic is laughing mischievously and I love that still, to this day, he is always up to no good. I cannot believe how much Liam looks like Nic did in this photo - I think Liam is the age now that Nic was in this photo. I love the way my sister's eyes are alight in this photo and how much she resembles my brother - they have always been so close. I love that my subtle smile shows that I am quietly happy - almost too afraid to completely let go and just feel. I still see so much of this quality in myself today.

I love that my brother is on my lap and that I'm holding him close - I have always been protective over the two of them. I've always been better at being a parent to them than I have a sibling. Maybe it's just an eldest child thing or my ever-present maternal instinct coming through, but it's reassuring to see from this photo that I've always been this way - protective and cautious - and that it's not the cold and damaging world that has made me this way.

I love this photo. The only thing that could make it more perfect would be if Clauds and Liam were in our lives at this stage so that they could be in it as well.

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