Thanking God Over a Handful of Flings
On Friday night we went out for a few drinks and then did a BP run
before heading up to the Monument with our Wine Gums, Mentos, Flings and
chocolate milk. There we sat at 2 am, looking over the thousands of little
lights that make up Grahamstown and squealing with delight when one of
us saw a shooting star.
It was in those moments that I found myself
thanking God. I thanked Him for the fact that I am young and healthy
with minimal responsibilities. I thanked Him for giving me these moments
to enjoy right now without having to worry about a thing. I thanked Him for giving me a sense of adventure and a need to plan my future. I then thanked Him that He knows the desires of my heart and that His timing is perfect. I thanked Him for being in control. I thanked Him for the fact that every season of waiting and wanting, every struggle, every disappointment and every moment of joy is preparing me for what is to come.
I know
my life won't always be like this. I'm half way through my degree and I don't have to be responsible for anyone other than myself. I have independence but at the same time I have the safety net that is my parents who are always there to help me pick up the pieces. I am so grateful for the way in which they are guiding me into adulthood. They have shown me so much grace. As much as I want to start working and earn my own money, as much as I want to move into my own little home and as much as I want to be in a relationship and to start a family one day, I don't want it to happen for another few
years. Life is easy now (for the most part), life is relaxed now, life is great now and I
needed God to know that. It was a good moment.
Such an awesome and honest post Shan - always a special moment to stop and say thank you. And as for Flings... Yum! x