5 Sleeps

October 23, 2013
Those two? Two of the most important people in my whole life - Clauds and Liam. But you know that, of course, because I go on about them all the time. The day my Dad married Clauds I inherited a whole new family. A family that cherishes me and treats me as if I've been in their lives for all of my twenty years instead of just 8.

That little guy? He's growing up FAR TOO QUICKLY! This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago at Ashley and Rhonda's wedding. I look at his little face and I cannot help but just gaze at him. I giggle big bubbly giggles of love whenever I look at him and my heart breaks over the fact that I'm missing out on so much of his little life. Everyone does their best to include me while I'm so far away by sending photos, telling stories and letting me heat his little squawks in the background of phone calls to my parents. But nothing beats being there, you know? It's been almost 2 months since I have seen him. In those 2 months his amount of hair has just about doubled and he has gotten his very first two teeth. 5 sleeps until I can cover him in kisses again. 

5 sleeps.

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