Friday's Letters
Dear Liam... I can't believe yesterday marked 8 months since you came into our lives - and 2 months before you were meant to, might I add! You're growing so quickly and I love your giggle. You're the sweetest little brother a girl could ever have asked for and I am so grateful for the joy that you bring into our lives. I miss you so much Snooks, I can't wait to see you again!
Dear Weekend... Please go by really, really slowly. I need some rest and a couple of days to sleep in, so I'm so looking forward to you. This weekend I plan to:
Dear Nic... Oh sweet (big)little brother. I miss you so much when I'm over here in the Eastern Cape. We've been getting on so well lately and I'm so glad you're out of that annoying little brother stage, and I'm even more glad that I've learned to be patient with you when you sometimes feel the need to crawl back into your role of being the annoying little brother. I love it that you text me everyday even when you're meant to be focusing in your Maths lesson. You're so sweet, the cups of coffee you make me without me having to ask (even if you do sometimes replace the sugar with salt), the way you just come and sit quietly next to me, the way you make me laugh until my belly hurts and the way you lovingly paint my toe nails in that awful hat of yours - these are the things that make me adore you more and more each day. I'm so proud of you boy. Love you xxx.
Dear Alarm Tone... Please stop giving me such heart attacks in the morning. Can't you just wake me up with a gentle nudge and a cup of coffee?
Dear Readers... Thank you for always coming back here and reading what I have to say. Some of you leave comments, some of you drop an email or two and some of you chat to me about my posts over lunch - each sweet word is treasured. I hope you have a lovely weekend! Link up with Ashley and share your letters this Friday.
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My tiny, but oh so perfect baby brother, Liam at just a couple of weeks old in December of last year. |
Not so tiny anymore but still just as precious, with a gem squash covered face. |
- Go up to the Monument and have sundowners with my special friends and then dance the night away.
- Spend a couple of hours giving back to the Grahamstown community by spending Saturday morning doing the UpStart program.
- Watch many episodes of the Celebrity Apprentice, Touch and Cougar Town.
- Skype home (depending on whether or not the internet is working back there, oh the joys of living in the Midlands).
- Dye my hair (eeeep!)
- Paint my fingernails bright red.
- Shave my legs - I've been putting this off for long enough now. Am I the only one that hates doing this horrible task?
- Wake up mid-morning and just lie in my bed without the pressure of having to make it to another lecture weighing over me.
- And then (possibly the task I'm most looking forward to) doing my laundry. Fun, fun, fuuuun. *I sincerely hope you all noted the sarcasm back there...
Dear Nic... Oh sweet (big)little brother. I miss you so much when I'm over here in the Eastern Cape. We've been getting on so well lately and I'm so glad you're out of that annoying little brother stage, and I'm even more glad that I've learned to be patient with you when you sometimes feel the need to crawl back into your role of being the annoying little brother. I love it that you text me everyday even when you're meant to be focusing in your Maths lesson. You're so sweet, the cups of coffee you make me without me having to ask (even if you do sometimes replace the sugar with salt), the way you just come and sit quietly next to me, the way you make me laugh until my belly hurts and the way you lovingly paint my toe nails in that awful hat of yours - these are the things that make me adore you more and more each day. I'm so proud of you boy. Love you xxx.
Dear Alarm Tone... Please stop giving me such heart attacks in the morning. Can't you just wake me up with a gentle nudge and a cup of coffee?
Dear Readers... Thank you for always coming back here and reading what I have to say. Some of you leave comments, some of you drop an email or two and some of you chat to me about my posts over lunch - each sweet word is treasured. I hope you have a lovely weekend! Link up with Ashley and share your letters this Friday.
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