"Things that make you uncomfortable"

May 14, 2013
  1. Rudeness - in any form. Nothing makes me squirm in my seat more than sitting opposite someone at a restaurant and they are being rude to the wait staff. I feel so uncomfortable when placed in situations where someone is being rude to someone else.
  2. Having to apologize for someone else's behavior - I have been in countless situations where I have had to apologize for someone else's actions and behavior. I feel that if I can be adult enough to look after myself and watch what I say or do, then so can everyone else. I am by no means saying that I am perfect - I am so ridiculously far from perfect - but I do feel that we all need to be responsible for ourselves.
  3. Confrontation. I hate, hate, HATE confrontation. If someone has hurt of offended me, more often than not, I will keep quiet about it in order to avoid confrontation. 
  4. Lastly, this is going to sound ridiculous, but asking for help makes me feel very uncomfortable. Whether it be asking which aisle the toothpaste is in or for something bigger, it makes me uncomfortable. I am, however, getting a lot better at this and I think that is because I've been forced to be independent here at varsity. I have learned that if I don't ask for help, then I'm going to struggle by myself.
These are just some of the things that make me feel uncomfortable but there are so many more little things. What makes YOU feel uncomfortable? Drop a comment below and let me know.

And don't forget to link up with Jenni and find out more about the Blog Everyday In May Challenge!

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