How to clean your Ugg Boots

The minute it starts getting a little chilly round these parts of the world, I slip on my Uggs and spend the entire day in them. If you are anything like me, then you'll know what a mission it is to keep these little babies clean. Water marks, mud and just general bits from whatever we pick up while out and about can cause our precious Uggs to look... not so precious.

Here is a great way to keep your Uggs looking beautifully clean. Now I know this method seems really obvious and you probably would have thought of this before, but you'd be amazed at how many people actually screw this up! I know, right?! Anyway, happy Ugg cleaning lovelies. You're welcome;)

You'll need:
  • Water
  • Newspaper
  • A cloth
  • A stiff brush
Here's what to do:
  • Use the brush to remove any dirt from the boot. This is an important step and if ignored, you'll only be rubbing the dirt into your beloved boot even more, and no decent Ugg-wearing woman wants that, now do we?
  • Once you have removed the bits of dirt from the boot using your stiff brush, dampen the cloth with some water. It is really important not to use too much water as this will mis-shape your boot and extend the drying time
  • Now stuff your boots with newspaper (bunch it up into little balls or whatever works for you - just have fun with it! (As much fun one can have while cleaning dirty boots;)). Doing this will help re-shape your boot and prevent sagging - which is more likely to happen when your boots are wet.
  • Lastly, place your boots in a cool and dry area away from the sun. Leaving your boots in the sun will cause them to wrinkle and just go all nasty. Leave them to dry for about 24 hours.
And that's that! Your extremely easy way to getting those beloved Uggs of yours to look like new!

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