Friday's Letters

May 17, 2013
Dear God... You're up to something, I can feel it. It's about time, too! Thank You for working in ways and places that I least expect it. Thank You for loving me, despite my flaws and failures.

Dear Week... Where did you go? Thank you for not being as tough as last week.

Dear Psychology Test... Please be kind tonight. Please?

Dear Lonah... Happy birthday my beautiful friend. I miss you incredibly. I hope you have the loveliest day and I can't wait to hear your voice on the phone just now.

Dear Driving Instructor... I didn't kill you this morning - you're welcome!

Dear Movement and Voice Exams... You're approaching fast. I'm ready for you, so would you please hurry up and be over and done with so this girl can focus on other things for a while?

Dear Family... I miss you everyday. It's the little things like the random messages that keep me going and make me feel loved. I needed to feel loved these last couple of weeks, they've been toughies.

Dear Little Blog of Mine... I'm slowly learning how to work you and I am loving every minute!

Dear Me... This next month is going to be demanding, both academically and emotionally. Stay focused and pray hardest when it's hardest to pray.


  1. Found you through the link up! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I hope the test went ok and you had a fantastic weekend :)

  3. Thank you so much, Victoria and Michelle.
    I had a lovely weekend, I hope you did too!


Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your sweet words, questions and comments. I reply to your comment directly on this post, so make sure to check back here xx

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