"React to this term: Letting Go."

Good morning beautiful readers!
I'm excited to share my thoughts on today's Blog Everyday In May challenge; Letting Go...
Letting go is not always an easy or enjoyable task, but I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that letting go of certain things/feelings/memories/people/ideas can be very beneficial to you. I am a firm believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason. Faith plays an important role in my life and I take comfort in knowing that all that is required of me is to trust God.

I may be young, but I have had my fair share of life experiences. I now know that letting go in situations where I previously felt that I could not, has done nothing but made me happier and stronger as a person.
Take my current University situation for example. I have always loved acting and performing - read more about my passion for acting here - and it seemed only natural to those around me (and myself, of course) that I would continue to study Drama in Varsity and potentially even make a career out of it. However, I have known for a long time that I would like to build my career in Psychology. I have come to realize this year that while Drama is my passion and forever will be, I will not be majoring in it. I have wrestled with this decision, and to some of you this may sound silly, but you need to understand that acting really is what I love and what I am able to do. Why give it up, then? I need to be realistic.I need to be realistic and face the fact that being an actress in South Africa will not allow me to support my future family. The market and the pay is pathetic and I'm not wanting to be constantly struggling to support myself. I need to be realistic and face the fact that I don't have the time to completely devote myself fully to Drama. I recently said that I would go crazy if the day that I have to stop performing ever comes. I will never stop performing and Drama will never not be my passion. I just need to let go of the sugar coated idea that so often comes with being an actress.

I know that by letting go of Drama I will be able to invest more time into my other studies and hopefully become the best version of myself within these fields. I have been incredibly blessed to have been able to study Drama for the years that I have, and I am grateful for each opportunity that it provided me with and for everything it taught me, but I am SO excited to see what the future holds.

What are some of the things that you are currently battling with letting go of and why? Drop me a comment below and let me know, or get in touch with me at arrowstheblog@gmail.com - I love hearing from you!


  1. Great post :) I think it is possible to think realistically but not completely abandon your passion for Drama. Especially once you're done with school, it's easier to be doing your career and have time to invest in your passion, too :)

    1. I completely agree with you - thank you for getting in touch, Kelsea:)

  2. "..there are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."

    I agree with this quote. It's really hard letting go but I do believe that there are better things ahead of us. I'm going to take up Psychology this coming academic year too, Shannon! I hope to learn more from you. :)

    <3 Gab

    1. I really hope you enjoy Psychology as much as I do, Gab. Thank you for being so sweet - I would love it if you were able to learn something worthwhile from me!


Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your sweet words, questions and comments. I reply to your comment directly on this post, so make sure to check back here xx

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