Panic Mode

May 31, 2013
Whew... what a long week! Thank goodness it'll be Friday when I finish up this post and manage to publish it!

Lately I have just been feeling so exhausted and run down.
I just can't seem to get through the day without taking a nap. The irony of this situation lies in the fact that this week has been Swot week. Basically Swot week is the week before mid-year exams start. We're given the entire week off to study. I'm so grateful for this week - most universities don't allow their students this privilege. I've managed to get a lot of studying done but I feel guilty getting into bed early or taking naps during the day, because I know I could be using this time to study.

I've always had a really good balance in my life and I'm not usually one to stress about exams or upcoming tests. But as the time approaches, I'm getting really panicky. I don't know if its the fact that this will be my first time writing exams at university level or the fear that I haven't been self-disciplined enough that is causing me to worry. All I can say is that I hope I'm well prepared and that this exam season comes and goes without me losing too much sleep - or my entire mind!

And so that's what is going on in my little life right now; exams, stress, exams and more stress. Pretty boring huh?
I hope you all have a wonderful Friday tomorrow, and be sure to pop back in for my 3rd "Friday's Letters" post.
Meet Bella. She was my study buddy for my Matric Finals last year. Here at Varsity the only study buddy I have are the endless cups of coffee that are failing at their job of keeping me awake!

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