Friday's Letters

Dear Swot Week... You've been so lovely. I've really been able to buckle down and get some studying done - which is great, considering that I start writing on Monday.

Dear Em... I enjoyed out little lunch and shopping date this week. It was so nice to just get out for a bit and spend some quality time with you.

Dear Room-Mate... You packed up your mattress and a little bag just over a week ago and I've barely seen you since. What's your mission doll? Because I hear you sneaking back into our room at 3am. Strange...

Dear Weekend... Please be productive. I need to really be focused and work hard for Monday's exam.

Dear Exams... Bleh.

Dear Fake Friends... Bleh.

Dear Cute Boy In The Library... You should probably just say hello to me already!

I hope you all have the loveliest weekend - mine will be spent in the library with pages upon pages of notes!


  1. Go up to the cute boy in the library and introduce yourself!

    xo Michelle

  2. Maybe next time I will - if I'm feeling brave enough! ;)


Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your sweet words, questions and comments. I reply to your comment directly on this post, so make sure to check back here xx

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