Day 20 of the "Blog Everyday In May Challenge." Wow, is it already the 20th of May? Am I the only one who is amazed at how quickly this year is going by?? Anyway, back to today's topic;
"Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now."
I can thankfully say that I am not struggling with anything major right now. No, life is not perfect (is it ever?), but it is pretty fantastic. I have been missing my family incredibly lately, but it's nothing I can't handle. Besides, I was blessed enough to have them with me this entire weekend - read more about that
Honestly though, I am struggling with friends. I have made so many incredible friends here at Varsity, but I feel that I do not know anyone well enough (it has only been 3 months) in order to have an established and meaningful relationship with.
I have found myself feeling lonely at times, even though I am surrounded by people every minute of every day. Isn't that just the worst feeling? Feeling lonely when you're not alone?
I am by no means saying that I don't feel close to my Varsity friends or that I don't get along with them - I do! They are all such lovely people and they make me smile every single day. I just miss my friends back home. I cannot wait to make more memories with them and get to know the people here better.
But right now, I'm struggling with being away from my old friends - most of whom I haven't seen since January! Although we keep in regular contact, nothing beats sitting on your bed with a cup of coffee and chatting the night away or just being in each others' presence.
Keep scrolling and take a look at the photos that have captured some amazing memories with my bests - I miss them all so much and cannot wait to see them soon soon!
My very best friend, Sarah (known as Twin to me, simply because we like to believe we're twins ;)), her darling brother and myself. This photo was taken at Twin's brother's Cowboy-themed 21st. |
Meet Robs, another one of my bests who I will love forever. |
Robs and I again - excuse the outfits, it was a pimp-you-school-uniform-day. |
Not only is Robs one of my best friends, but we're soon to be cousins (or something like that???) Her 1st cousin is engaged to my Uncle. |
This is Dill. Possibly one of my favorite people on this planet. I've known him since 2001. |
Dill and I at my Matric Ball in 2012. |
Another pretty lady I miss everyday - Holly. |
Twin and I taking a nap on one of the beds in the Home store while my step-mom shopped up a storm. |
Twin resting her pretty little head on the above mentioned bed. |
Robs and I at a formal dinner in 2012. |
Twin, myself and two very special friends, Kerryn and Kate. |
Kerryn, Twin, Kate, another one of my BEST bests; Kozi and myself. |
Myself, Jess, Holly and Robs. |
Twin, Kozi and I. I would not be the same without these two girls - read more about that here. |
Another girl I could not see myself without, Lonah. Miss you baby girl xx |
My Twin, My Kozi and me. |
What are some of the things you're struggling with right now? Link up with Jenni and her challenge and let me know!
Great photos!!