Friday's Letters

It's currently 1am on Saturday morning and I'm only now getting the chance to sit down and relax with this little blog that I am learning to adore so very much. Hopefully you'll forgive me for posting Friday's Letters on Saturday, yes? Yes. Because you're all so incredibly sweet ;)

Dear Jesus... Sometimes I just wish you could physically hug me. For now I'm doing alright Lord, but I know of a family who needs Your love and Your comfort and my prayer is that You will make Your presence known.

Dear Family... It's been a week since you surprised me so wonderfully! I miss you still, of course, but this last week has been so much easier because of you visiting me last weekend. Just under a month now until we're reunited.

Dear Baby Brother... You keep us on our toes, little guy. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I miss your little face, precious pooks.

Dear Best Friend Em... Bottles of nail polish, cups of coffee and chats until 1am with you is what keeps me sane. I adore you. Thank you for loving me besides everything that makes me, me.

Dear Best Friend Sarah... Not long now my twin! Simply cannot wait to see you again, it has been far too long since we were last together. I miss you. Your messages always leave me thanking our sweet Father for placing you in my life. I'm completely #Twinsick right now.

Dear Best Friend Dillyn... It's ok to admit that you miss me. Missing me is not going to make you seem like less of a man ;)

Dear Swot Week... A whole week off? With no lectures? No tutorials? AT ALL??? Oh my goodness, you are so needed right now. I am looking forward to this break, although I know it needs to be spent learning for the upcoming exams :(

Dear Blanket Pants... You're the most comfortable things I've ever purchased. I will live in you until it is physically impossible to do so anymore.

Dear Pay Day... Thank the Pope you're tomorrow!

A long list of random letters which I would apologise for, but I think they're rather lovely! I hope you all have an amazing weekend.


  1. A nail polish athon with your bestie theres no better way to spend time together :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Thank you so much Michelle, I had a lovely weekend - I hope you did too!


Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your sweet words, questions and comments. I reply to your comment directly on this post, so make sure to check back here xx

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