"Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it"

May 14, 2013
Did I read that topic sentence correctly? "Favorite QUOTE"? How on Earth am I supposed to choose 1 quote?

As I mentioned before, I enjoy breaking the rules and so I am going to be doing just that - breaking the rules - and posting not one favorite quote, but many of my favorite quotes. I adore each and every single one of these quotes for different reasons. I think the quotes speak for themselves - each one has meant something special to me at some point in my life. I hope you enjoy reading through some of my favorites!

Props to those of you who kept scrolling ;) I'm sorry, I know, LOTS of quotes, and there are so many more but those are just some of the ones I wanted to share with you.

I can't wait to show you what I come up with for tomorrow's *challenge*. I promise it'll be loads of fun!


  1. I really love the Isaiah 46:4 ! This was an over all great post with lots of quotes!

  2. Glad you enjoyed them as much as I did:)


Thank you so much for getting in touch and for your sweet words, questions and comments. I reply to your comment directly on this post, so make sure to check back here xx

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