"Your top 3 worst traits"

May 24, 2013
Day 24 of the Blog Everyday In May Challenge asks me to share my 3 worst traits. This is a yucky topic - no one likes to admit or face the rotten aspects of themselves. Although I think that identifying your top worst traits can be a very helpful thing - it allows us to acknowledge where we are failing or falling short and therefore, we will be able to rectify them.

If I had to be honest with myself, I would say that my top three worst traits - in no particular order - are; the fact that I gossip, I procrastinate and I am non-confrontational.

  1. Gossip. It's a terrible thing, but I have to admit that I love it. I will never pass up an opportunity to sit with my friends over a cup of coffee and have a good ol' bitch session. Terrible, I know. Sorry!
  2. Procrastinate. I am a serial procrastinator. It's strange, because at times I can be very organized and productive, especially when it involves my academic work. But when it comes to other, non-academic situations, if I don't feel comfortable with getting it done, I will put it off for as long as possible and I will find every excuse under the sun that will justify my procrastination. Take my driving and getting my license for example: I was able to get my learner's from the age of 17. I have always been slightly afraid of driving and so I put it off and eventually only got my learner's a few short months before my 19th birthday. I am now in the process of taking driving lessons and hope to get my license within the next 2-3 months (I have a month's holiday coming up so I won't be able to continue with my driving school for that period). Now that I am in the process of getting it done and I am actually being productive about it, I realize that driving is not all that bad and I'm kicking myself for not getting it done sooner!
  3. Non-confrontational. I think I have previously mentioned a bit about this on this blog. I hate confrontation. It makes me uncomfortable. If someone has hurt me or offended me, I would rather deal with it on my own instead of talking to them about it. This is a terrible trait as I am often left to hurt alone and the person is none the wiser about his/her actions. I know I need to work on this, and I will learn to confront people... someday, (I wasn't lying when I said I was a procrastinator ;) ).
What are some of your worst traits and how are you working to over come them? Link up with Jenni and see what others have to say. Drop me a comment and let me know, I love hearing from you!


  1. I procrastinate driving as well :) But sometimes it's so rewarding to just get it over with

  2. One of my best friends refuses to gossip after she accidently told something senior year of H.S. not only did thow WHOLE school find out but somehow it got back to the grils parents. (small town problems)

  3. @ Aleshea - it's a terrible thing! I'm not that bad though, but I think every girl does it every now and then:)

    @ Kira - It really is rewarding, isn't it? So much independence too!


  4. Oh, I'm a terrible gossiper! Well, with the right people. I don't gossip with everyone. Isn't it funny how this blogging challenge is turning out to be like therapy?! There's been so much introspection this month thanks to Jenni and her challenge. I'm so glad I followed the linkup here to your blog :)

  5. I completely agree with you, Jen. This challenge has really been so much more than just an every day blogging challenge!
    Thank you so much for getting in touch!


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